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Richard Armentrout

Accredited Professional Farrier

Past Board Director

    About Me

    With over 18 years of shoeing experience, Richard brings his knowledge and expertise to you. He has interned with the renowned farrier Dr. Esco Buff to learn how to successfully treat laminitis and founder.  He also is trained in identifying and addressing body imbalances in Limb Length Disparity cases.  Richard continues to be mentored by Dr. Esco and has logged 100s of hours of clinic time with him.  Richard has studied Equine Chiropractic for the lay person with Dr. Kamen, in order to better understand body imbalances.  He delivers a holistic approach to each case by taking a step back and looking at the whole horse, not just the foot or leg.  Richard made a major investment in his practice by introducing PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field therapy) in 2016 to his services.  This non-invasive therapy promises to have a dramatic impact on soft tissue healing and injury prevention.  Richard is registered and authorized to operate radiology equipment in the state of Ohio and some surrounding states, which helps with his farriery work.  He is also currently pursuing the AAT-ETIS Thermography certification.  Richard works in cooperation with the client, veterinarian, chiropractor, and other professionals to assure a positive outcome. Richard strongly believes in working as a team for the best interests of every equine, and supports AAETT as a Board Member to further the industry as a whole.

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