Debra Redman
Board Director
About Me
Debra Redman, Licensed Medical Massage Therapist for humans for 25 years, has magic in her hands, a good biomechanics assessment eye, and thousands of dollars invested in continuing education with equine care professionals from all over the world for the last ten years. To name a few, she can include certificates of completion with Dr. Vibeke Elkbrond, DVM (Equine Anatomy Trains), Dr. Kris De Ceulaer, DVM Belgium (Visceral Manipulation), Dr. Juliane Waas, DVM Denmark (Kerry Ridgway Acupressure), Theresa Mueller, HEAL (Equine Manual Lymph Drainage), Tami Elkayam (Tensegrity Balancing), and Level 1 Sure Foot Pads coursework with Wendy Murdoch. Debra integrates all of this continuing education into her core work with myofascial release, energy modalities, craniosacral therapy technique, and intuition. In 2020, Debra imported the first equine cupping machine into the United States. She is working to make her “Introduction to Equine Cupping” course approved by NBCAAM. In 2021, Debra personally experienced the power of PEMF therapy for herself and discovered how wrong she’s been all these years about the use of this modality with horses and humans.